This is one of the most confusing aspects. Sound vs Noise – The Correct Interpretation To understand how noise Pollution prevention can be successfully implemented one needs to know in-depth about the science behind Noise. The intensity of the noise can vary, hence the resultant action also varies depending on the level of noise pollution. Researchers have proven the fact that excessive noise can cause changes in biodiversity also. Beyond that, it can cause massive irreparable damage. Noise or sound is only bearable to the ears of any living creature up to a certain level. Introduction to Noise Pollution Prevention So, we must take measures for noise pollution prevention. Coincidently high pitch noise can result in sickness and even permanent loss of hearing. Nausea is a health issue that causes a sensation of vomiting and dizziness. Noise is a word that has been coined from the Latin term Nausea. The limelight may not be on Noise Pollution but it also has tremendous negative effects. However, most of the time, it is air pollution and water pollution that is spoken about. Pollution is one of the main concerns, the world is dealing with amidst all the problems and issues.